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Our Central Fire is the Great Law of Peace adopted by the Haudenosaunee people over 800 years ago.


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An Ancient Parable for our Time


And the Earth cracked and broke apart as if it were not one whole

And the People cried out in anguish at too much change

And could not run for falling
And some were crushed by rocks falling down                

And none could anywhere stand . . .

The Mountain People m
ade a great rush to the safety of Ocean . . .

But those coming down from the Mountains to fill up the new sand gave a great cry

And cried DANGER

IT CAME LIKE A CRUSHING ROLLING DEATH And fell upon the First Among us

So that those high enough on the Earth Mountain To escape this Water Mountain watched in horror





from The Walking People by Paula Underwood, Oneida Wisdom Keeper

Paula's people survived the end of the world
as they knew it 10,000 years ago

They went on to become the Oneida nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy – the oldest living participatory democracy to this day.  Their Chief Shenandoah served as counsel to Benjamin Franklin during the founding of the United States.  Unfortunately, Franklin was not able to convince the founding fathers to include the rights of women, children, people of color and mother earth herself. When they made the fateful omissions, Chief Skenandoah dressed in his ceremonial robe, wept for three days and returned home, never seeing Franklin again.  He could foresee the seeds of a bitter war being planted.    


What may we learn from their lived experience?

Fortunately for us, Paula Underwood devoted her life to translating her people’s wisdoms into language that could be heard by all listening ears.  She created The LearningWay for enabling learning and decision making, ensuring that the best thinking would always prevail, especially when the People’s survival was on the line.  Paula translated these vital lessons and principles into applications for contemporary learners.  With her blessing, we’ve shared these practices with organizations and communities for decades.  Now you can learn how to use them to help the communities you love make wise choices for creating a future that works for all beings.  

 Who is our offering for?

For people who are called to serve needs in their local communities, but who are not sure where to begin . . . who want to better understand their gifts and talents and their unique situation

Indigenous medicine wheels are designed to bring clarity in the midst of changing circumstances.
Their power lies in weaving learning into wisdom - harmonizing body, mind and spirit into one braid.  Here's a poem by Paula Underwood that illuminates the process.  
When you become clear on your unique contribution, you'll be able to move forward with confidence, skill and grace.
We encourage you to bring two neighbors or friends to serve as your closest learning partners.   


You will have the opportunity to:

Learn the essentials for living into our rights and responsibilities as human beings

Receive coaching as you apply indigenous wisdoms to your unique circumstances

Feel the support of kindred spirits dedicated to learning our way into the future together  – as a learning community

Experience the joy of harmonizing across generations and cultures

Become an honorable ancestor by becoming a trustworthy ally to all beings – including mother earth

The window of opportunity to heal people and the planet is closing.  
Let it be said we chose to do our part . . . .

What different generations say

about their experiences with us

Devin Miller

"The Diversity Leadership Conference is a bunch of young people, who are in the same boat as me, using our knowledge together to make the world a better place for teens."

Jamie Petit

"7th Generation helped me get past my comfort zones to work toward my passion. They introduced me to mentors who helped me learn how to run a meeting smoothly and how to create goals and enlist volunteer help. They created a safe place for me to learn skills from community members as well as make more connections within my community."

QuinXing Webber

“7th Generation gave me opportunities and hope that I couldn't imagine possible in high school. Incredible mentors guided me and many others through creating projects, problem solving, reaching out to our community, and teamwork. Every meeting I would come in motivated to share my ideas and see how they could be improved and applied to the real world. I was always respected and encouraged and this created a unique community of loving and understanding while we worked toward the common goal of helping our commonwealth.  it was one of my most beloved and impactful high school experiences.”

Gabi Perez

“I’ve come to realize how important your support has been to me – beginning in my teen years.  As an adult, I have begun to untangle and confidently establish my worldview, who I am, and the importance of connectedness between people, the planet, and the traditional ecological knowledge that grounds us.  You have my gratitude for sharing these wisdoms.”

Mindy Webber

"My daughter participated in the Youth Voice Initiative and that opportunity turned out to be a gift. For one of the few times during high school, her organizational and leadership abilities were both recognized and nurtured. I am beyond grateful that she was given this chance, and received support and guidance. To say that this Initiative was life changing would be accurate. 

Thank you for making a difference in the life of my daughter, as well as for the others who participated."

DuAnne Redus

"As a weekly community radio host, I believe young people need to be heard. Brilliant ideas and often overlooked needs are invisible without a forum for discussion. Youth voice adds useful dimensions for community planning and thriving. What a gift to listen and learn in each encounter.  7th Generation gave our community the opportunity to have these conversations."

Sarah Beardmore

"I love the precious wisdom you share.  The energy is so grounding, practical, gentle and loving. I would come off of stressful and angsty work calls, and just feel myself uplifted.  I was always transformed into higher order thinking, eagle sightedness of the big picture and a sense of equanimity."

Odette Bovenberg

"Your gatherings have been some of the best learnings I have had in my life. Many elements directly come to life in my everyday living. I love the generous, warm, rich sharing. I even ended up joining the 7th Generation team!"

Jamie Hornbuckle

"The gathering has put springs on my shoes to launch me into a fresh chapter - one that was a long time coming and very welcome. I felt completely held and seen. You made us all feel heard and had constructive feedback.  I loved the questions and the seeking tools you gave us."

 Our mission is weaving old and new eyes wisdom to co-create a future that works for all beings. 


We are a nonprofit with Inquiring Systems, Inc. as our fiscal sponsor EIN 94-2524840

Today's young people are the 7th Generation Rising.  As elders, we feel called to be of service to their brilliance, energy and dedication.

The window of opportunity to heal people and the planet is closing.

Let it be said we chose to do our part.

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We believe your voice … your contributions are too valuable to be lost in the chaos.

  • Are you looking for the best places and ways to share your gifts and talents?

  • Eager to meet people who support your growth and development?

  • Does your community need help transforming conflict into creative solutions and momentum?

When you’re clear on your unique role and next steps, your impact blossoms

7th Generation Labs provides a space to be seen, heard and valued.
To get clear and energized.
To discover and exchange practical wisdoms.

We help you power all of your adventures!

This is the indigenous wisdom that first sparked the creation of 7th Generation Labs


Does it draw you in?


Spark your curiosity?


Sound like a community that would nurture your body, mind and spirit?   




Interested in working with us to co-create our next set of offerings?


How can we support your journey?  

What are your needs and aspirations?


Learn more below and join us on a journey of discovery!

The LearningWay Lodge

gathered wisdom for peacemaking
from indigenous elders

Learn more and share the gift of your insights

7th Generation Labs Learning Community

a self-directed tinkering space for learning to apply wisdoms to our unique circumstances

Learn more and share the gift of your insights

Honoring Elders

We stand on the shoulders of indigenous elders. To them, we express a deep bow of gratitude for their sharing to the world's listening ears.

In the dedication to her book, The Great Hoop of Life, Volume 1, Paula Underwood, Oneida wisdom keeper, shares

"To all those, old and young, who sat in patient circles over countless generations adding mind to mind to create this learning tool..

To all those, young and old, who sit in patient circles now, adding heart to mind in growing awareness of possibility..

To all these, this present dance of words on pages is most gratefully dedicated."

We at 7th Generation Labs join in Paula's appreciation to those who have gathered around a central fire to gather the wisdom of the people.


Paula Underwood's grandfather's grandmother began the task of Keeping an Ancient Way of Learning safely preserved until a future generation could give it as a gift to all Earth's children with Listening Ears.

This Learning Way from the Oneida begins with the assumption that it is the responsibility of each of us to learn to understand who we individually are, the unique way in which we learn, what we need from our community and what we can give in return.  

It is the responsibility of the community to enable and encourage these understandings in the most effective ways it is able to devise.  

You may learn more about Paula's story here - the site is hosted by Paula's dedicated students.

You may order her books directly from her daughter  here.

Grandmother Tu Moonwalker, of Apache and South American native American heritage, focused on bringing sacredness into our daily lives.  

She died in her home surrounded by family and friends in 2011. She died as she lived, celebrating life.

Her artwork is in several private and museum collections nationally and internationally including the Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C. and the Smithsonian Institution.

Since the mid-1980's, she travelled nationally as a spiritual teacher and minister. In 1988, she and Láné Sáan Moonwalker founded the Philosophy of Universal Beingness within the Whole, a spiritual system based on environmental consciousness and peaceful coexistence.

Her community, family, and students worldwide honor her as a Grandmother of great wisdom and insight.  

Tu loved life and is missed by her students, friends, and family. We continue to celebrate her life, honoring her legacy.


Here's an interview with Grandmother Tu Moonwalker.

Grandmother LánéSáan Moonwalker’s lineages are Apache, Yoeme, and Ashkenazi. 

She is an oracle, healer, environmental guardian and spiritual teacher  She began her training in the healing arts at age 12 and learned to work with creative expression as a doorway to spirit.  

She is a practitioner of the Moonwalker medicine way be being.

 As a wisdom keeper, her words are, “As Earth Mother’s children, our work is to tend to nature in a sacred way.  If we don't,  we are lost.”

Here is an interview with Grandmother LánéSáan Moonwalker focused on earth guardianship.


Marita One Who Catches Lightning’s lineage is Zapotec, Purapecha and Sephardine. 

They are an artist, filmmaker, singer-songwriter, poet, motivational speaker, metaphysical healer, a guide and mentor – helping others sing their parts into harmony to find the peace and happiness of being alive.  

Marita offers the rarest cacao in the world. 

Proceeds go to land restoration, indigenous elders, food production, animal rescue, first nation sovereignty efforts, and subsidizing/free access to teachings for indigenous students.


You may learn more about Marita's work here.

Joshua Konkankoh is a peace broker and facilitator in Global South-North Partnerships between impact organizations and international development agencies that work to amplify systems change.

He is an Indigenous elder, network weaver, and social entrepreneur who combines emergent digital network weaving in conscious food systems with regenerative permaculture principles, mindful environmental leadership actions, and climate resilience to reduce social inequalities and advance economic resilience.

He designs and facilitates collaborations between African systems change leaders and regenerative businesses based in the Global North to advance nature-based solutions and local development community of practice models for water, food and agroecological transformations.


You may learn more about his work here.

Let us help you discover and energize your unique path forward.  


We are dedicated to linking you with the resources that best serve your needs.  

Present and future generations are counting on us.  Let it be said we did our part!

In our experience, standing up takes courage.  Takes inspiration. Takes skills.

Yet even the strong
get weary.

All of us need nurturance and protection for body, for mind, and for spirit. None of us can do it alone.

We look forward to learning together! 

Weaving communities of belonging is in our DNA.


Our superpower is helping people, organizations and communities discover who they are, how they learn, and what they want to bring into the world.


Our mission is sharing old and new eyes wisdom for
creating a future that works for all beings.


The practical wisdoms we share created the foundation for these community efforts


Youth and adults join forces to work towards social justice

click to learn more

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