The 7th Generation Learning Community

is dedicated weaving old and new eyes wisdom to co-create a future that works for all beings.  

We walk ancient paths to peace - a Sacred Journey based on The LearningWay.

We hold an intention to evolve . . . consciously.

We are an intergenerational tinkering space for gathering nurturance for body . . . for mind . . . and for spirit

experiencing daily practices for creating peace within and with others 

 On Learning

And Learning . . is so valuable . . that it is therefore sacred.

A Life filled with Learning is the greatest gift of all. A Life so lived is celebrated . .

. . . There are songs to be sung that honor the beauty of such a Life, reminding us all of our purpose . . and our potential.

Paula Underwood, Oneida Wisdom Keeper

As part of a supportive learning community, you will experience:

New Ways of Being

  • Exploratory Listening: a practice that links you to the power of the Great Mystery
  • Living with Uncertainty: a practice for reducing suffering by expanding your view of possibilities


New Ways of Learning

  • Ways to benefit from diversity of thinking: a practice to test time-honored assumptions
  • How to become a lifelong learner: Medicine wheels as a practice

New Ways of Doing

  • Dynamic decision making: practices to bring all voices into the process 
  • A vision of real community: Three ways to weave community 


Sharing with kindred spirits creates a flow of learning within the circle.

The space provides an opening for: 

  • Grace as you feel yourself surrounded by new resources 
  • Gratitude for the community's dedication to your success
  • Joy as you master tools supporting your life-long learning journey
  • Ethical presence that guides the wisdom of your choices 
  • Balance within yourself, others and your environment

How this space is designed

We all have unique circumstances.  Our interactive sessions provide space for you to apply the wisdoms to your unique circumstances. 

We all want to make a difference.  Yet none of us can do it alone.   The community holds responsibility for supporting the gifts and talents of each person.  And each person holds the responsibility for strengthening the learning community as a whole.  In this way, we weave new stories for each person and for the community - stories that will have powerful ripple effects into communities across the world.

The world needs you.
No one else can bring your unique gifts! 

Call To Action

Plans are underway to co-create a unique on-line community where we practice indigenous ways of weaving community.


50% Complete

Two Step

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