The LearningWay Lodge

In the dedication to her book, The Great Hoop of Life, Volume 1, Paula Underwood, Oneida wisdom keeper, shares

"To all those, old and young, who sat in patient circles over countless generations adding mind to mind to create this learning tool..

To all those, young and old, who sit in patient circles now, adding heart to mind in growing awareness of possibility..

To all these, this present dance of words on pages is most gratefully dedicated."

Path to our Door

Welcome to the LearningWay Lodge 

A resource for moving towards a future that works for all.

And that celebrates any progress in that direction: 

however big, however small.

You found the path that leads to our community. We hope you came by foot. For we are a learning community with the pace of walking.

Right Foot, Left Foot.

And that you are curious now.

We welcome all kinds of kindred spirits around our Central Fire. Folks knock on our door with all sorts of questions and goals. You will find those who are curious about growing into Lifelong Learning, into growing their understanding about weaving community to bring balance and peace into their lives.  In this community we learn together.  We dedicated to living into the Great Law of Peace.

The Great Law of Peace

"In our every deliberation, we must honor the contributions of the past seven generations and consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”

Paula Underwood, Oneida Wisdom Keeper

We've found these roles to be essential to living like a 7th Genexer

Where do you feel called?


Honoring Paula Underwood and Miss Tu Moonwalker

We feel great joy that we can share the work of Paula Underwood, Keeper of a 10.000 year old Tradition.

 And the work of Miss Tu Moonwalker. Wisdomkeeper of…

Paula left as a complete Learning Way. For All Listening Ears.

Miss Tu left us …

We focus on supporting folks working on their local projects close to their hearts.

And the Wisdom of these two Wisdom Carriers offers just that.

It is so tried and tested, so down to Earth, rooted in Earth, so connected to the whole.

It has supported communities for thousands of years.

And is so alive and bubbling, so ever adjusting to new circumstances, that it will support you building your community around your project today.


Imagine learning from a thousands of years old Tree.

Imagine learning from a sapling.

For moving forwards wisely, you need both.

If you are looking for quick fixes, the fastest path towards your goal, changing things without taking responsibility for the change you are creating,

then this may be no Wisdom for you.


50% Complete

Two Step

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